Wide Open
Avoiding the Heartbreak of Emotional
Did you know that MySpace™, email and text
messaging can lead your heart to places it shouldn’t go?
"Even if we aren’t having sex, the cycles of
dating and breaking up with someone by definition can be promiscuous. We are
casually giving our hearts away—one piece at a time.”
You’ve heard the abstinence message. You aren’t sleeping
together. You didn’t even kiss. So why do you feel so guilty? God cares how you
treat your feelings just as much as how you treat your body—and He has a plan to
keep you on the right track. In Eyes Wide Open, author Brienne Murk
describes the necessity of guarding your most precious treasure—your heart. As a
single young woman, she has dealt with the same relational issues that face
every young person, and she candidly shares her experiences and her mistakes.
With Eyes Wide Open, you’ll learn how easy it is to let your emotions get
the best of you, but more importantly, how to protect yourself from heartbreak.
Whether you are in a relationship, just got out of one, are hoping for one to
start, or just have friends with the opposite sex, this book will equip you to
have healthy relationships in all aspects of your life.
Table of Contents